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Practice Exams

Know what to expect from the exam. It’s all about building comfort with the material along with how to take the test.

Jessica Ritter avatar
Written by Jessica Ritter
Updated over a month ago

Our Practice Exams are designed to mimic the actual ARE experience. We offer 3 forms of Practice Exams for each division of the ARE plus a 4th form that randomizes questions from all 3 forms.
Within each form you’ll find two case studies and questions distinct to that form. Each form contains a different set of unique questions so you can truly test your knowledge of the material - not your memory of the question.

Each Practice Exam attempt is allowed the same time limit and has the same quantity, types of questions (hot spot, multiple choice, drag and place and case studies) and same proportions of topics as the actual exam of that division .

You cannot pause an attempt for longer than the allotted break time and come back to it later. You can take each form of our Practice Exams as many times as you'd like, so you can start and end an attempt if you don't have the full amount of time available to practice.

You'll be able to review the correct and incorrect answer explanations for each question for 60 days after that attempt by clicking on the listed date of the attempt. (with an active subscription only).

Practice Exam question example

Use the Exam Summary page to manage your questions during your Practice Exam session. Mark questions to review later (before your next break) and manage all incomplete questions

Use the Score Summary page to review your score for each section of the ARE division as it lines up with the objectives. Click on the blue link on the right to revisit videos related to that objective.

Once you end an exam attempt, each question will show the correct and incorrect answer explanation and the source reference cited at the bottom. Refer to the cited source to dig even deeper in the question topic.


Q: Can I pause a Practice Exam if I don't have enough time for a complete session?

A: Practice Exams cannot be paused outside of the allotted break period. You can take each Practice Exam as many times as you'd like. If you do not finish a Practice Exam or you allow the timer to run out, the score will be automatically registered on your Dashboard.

Q: Can I reset my score history for a division?

A: No, Practice Exam scores cannot be reset.

Q: What if I think I've found an error/don't agree with the answer?

A: If you believe there is an error in a question, please let us know using the blue chat box. Include the division and send in a full page screenshot - be sure it includes the ID number in the bottom right corner. Note - we will evaluate for errors or accuracy. For study help or help understanding topics, please create a post in the ARE Community.

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